Wika Logo PNG High Resolution


Wika Logo PNG

Wika Logo PNG High Resolution

Download Logo PNG High Resolution HD Format. The PT. Wika (PT. Wijaya Karya) Logo on this file has the format of Portable Network Graphics (PNG) High Quality Download, 


PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (WIKA) is a construction company owned by the Indonesian Government. WIKA was founded based on Law no. 19 of 1960 junto PP. no. 64 of 1961 concerning the Establishment of PN "Widjaja Karja" on March 29, 1961. Based on this PP, a Dutch-owned construction company named NV Technische Handel Maatschappij en Bouwbedrijf Vis en Co. which had been nationalized by the Government of Indonesia, was merged into PN Widjaja Karja.

  • File Name    : Logo PT. Wika / PT. Wijaya Karya
  • File                     : Type Portable Network Graphics
  • File                     : Extension .PNG
  • File Size             : 44 KB (PNG)  

Wika Logo PNG High Resolution : Download